On Becoming an Expert
Back in my college gynecology class, the instructor made a comment that an expert is a drip under pressure.
I found it humorous then, and I still do until I find myself in a pressure situation. Then I have to recall what it means and put it into perspective.
It means that common people (drips) become experts as they react to pressure in a positive way. And the result does not have to be future generations!
I have had a troubled past few weeks for a variety of reasons. Some I created, some were dealt to me with circumstances I cannot control. I had to stop and think "I am becoming an expert" and I felt better and began to rise to the challenge.
Pressure is what it takes to become stronger mentally, physically and emotionally. It is what makes athletes strong. It is why the masts of olden ships were made of trees on hilltops. If they could survive the stress of the wind and the storms, they would grow strong and make great masts!
But few like and embrace pressure. After all, hurting is no fun. Many want the soft, easy, comfy road, which also has it's results.
What usually happens is we tolerate mediocrity until we get sick and tired of it (hopefully), or it degrades into a painful situation. When the pressure gets to be enough, it can result in getting off your butt and doing something about it.
I heard one person say "Never complain about what you created or allowed to exist, but now have an obligation to change" Wise words sez I...
It is OK to make mistakes that put pressure on us, provided we don't keep making the same mistakes. Then all the pressure can grind us down into the dirt of dejection. Drag when that happens....
The good news is there is a better plan! Get wise consul! Maybe a whole team of them that make up your mastermind group. The best writing I know of about that subject is in the book "Think and Grow Rich"
Coaches, experienced people that have become experts are usually very happy to share their story, especially if people actually listen and do!
Great experts can lead you to believe you can do what you currently cannot. The result of a changed mind? A changed outcome! What would change without your deciding to do so?
Success leaves clues. Find successful people that do or have done what you want to do, find out what they did, and do that! It is not rocket science
You do not have to re-invent the wheel. It has already been invented.
Embrace the challenge that lies before you!
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I found it humorous then, and I still do until I find myself in a pressure situation. Then I have to recall what it means and put it into perspective.
It means that common people (drips) become experts as they react to pressure in a positive way. And the result does not have to be future generations!
I have had a troubled past few weeks for a variety of reasons. Some I created, some were dealt to me with circumstances I cannot control. I had to stop and think "I am becoming an expert" and I felt better and began to rise to the challenge.
Pressure is what it takes to become stronger mentally, physically and emotionally. It is what makes athletes strong. It is why the masts of olden ships were made of trees on hilltops. If they could survive the stress of the wind and the storms, they would grow strong and make great masts!
But few like and embrace pressure. After all, hurting is no fun. Many want the soft, easy, comfy road, which also has it's results.
What usually happens is we tolerate mediocrity until we get sick and tired of it (hopefully), or it degrades into a painful situation. When the pressure gets to be enough, it can result in getting off your butt and doing something about it.
I heard one person say "Never complain about what you created or allowed to exist, but now have an obligation to change" Wise words sez I...
It is OK to make mistakes that put pressure on us, provided we don't keep making the same mistakes. Then all the pressure can grind us down into the dirt of dejection. Drag when that happens....
The good news is there is a better plan! Get wise consul! Maybe a whole team of them that make up your mastermind group. The best writing I know of about that subject is in the book "Think and Grow Rich"
Coaches, experienced people that have become experts are usually very happy to share their story, especially if people actually listen and do!
Great experts can lead you to believe you can do what you currently cannot. The result of a changed mind? A changed outcome! What would change without your deciding to do so?
Success leaves clues. Find successful people that do or have done what you want to do, find out what they did, and do that! It is not rocket science
You do not have to re-invent the wheel. It has already been invented.
Embrace the challenge that lies before you!
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