
Showing posts from October, 2012

You can’t pound a nail with a banana

It is important to be sweet and soft especially to others when they are hurting.  There is a time when we need to have deference and listen and be compassionate and be nice to others and ourselves. There is also a time when we need to toughen up. Not all of life’s decisions are easy or our choice on what to do next clear or what needs to be done simple and easy. Procrastination only makes matters worse. So next time you have something difficult to do or a difficult conversation you really don’t want to have ask yourself if it is a good time to be a hammer or a banana and get it done

It WILL be uncomfortable

That is what one of my buddies told me after he gave me his advice on how to swim faster. It amounted to putting out way more effort than I was used to, especially towards the end of the swim. And he made it really clear when he ended his point again saying “make no bones about it, it will be uncomfortable” The next race and in several other situations of life over the next few weeks, when the going got tough for whatever reason, I thought to myself “It will be uncomfortable” That statement has many applications. Being overweight and out of shape is uncomfortable. But so is getting up early and going to the gym. Not to mention the effort required to push away that cookie… Many people come into my office with sciatica, a radiating pain that goes down the back of the legs. After a few days if improvement, extra walking can help tremendously. It is uncomfortable at first? You bet….Does it help? Yes. Is it worth the investment of energy? Yes. Is taking drugs comfortable and conv