On Getting Older

Don’t worry…be happy!
I met a guy a long time ago that was working on a sub 3 hour marathon at age 60. And he was a bigger guy, probably around 190 pounds. Last I knew, not too many 60 year olds run that fast much less big guys. The question I had for him was “Shouldn’t you be wearing out by now?” His reply was “your body will adapt to its environment provided it is done over time and within limitations of matter”
Big answer if you ponder that.
The Mayo Clinic seems to think the human body is at its most prime at around age 30 and deteriorates from there. But, in the pro ranks, the most outstanding athletes are in their 20s. Dissection of the races I go to shows the highest volume of tough guys live in the 40-45 age group, and the most popular winning women are between 30-40.
Then there are the freaks of nature, which seem to be getting more common. I was quite discouraged when I ran a half marathon earlier this year and finished 21 of 2500 entries. That was the good news. The bad news is I was also 7th in 55-59, with the 2nd place guy in my age group. How do you explain that?
Freaks of nature. Good for him!
In addition to aging working against us, here are a few more. Working 50-60 hours a day with 3 hours commuting each day. Injuries that sideline us. Unexpected accidents or other health catastrophies. Then there are those who’s full time job is to train to race.
To beat ourselves up over a lack of performance is not wise.
The lesson is be happy you can show up. Not all can. You can only control yourself and nobody else. So, if you get passed by one of those freaks of nature, celebrate that they have that ability.


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