High Performance People Think Differently
Troika 70.3 Race Report
Why? A girl I know who I will not name by name in this report (she who shall not be named or swsnbn) is in training for a 140.3 race in July. This event was to be a test of fitness and weakspots as well as a training event. Our buddy Mark Casey, swsnbn and I did what we could to prepare based on our time and drive.
In my past I have been known to be a little on the arrogant side when it came to racing. I was verbally intimidating on purpose to gain a mental edge on my competitors. My favorite tactic was to ride up behind someone and pretend to be super tired and have a conversation about how tough the day is. I would try to talk them into having a bad day. Then I would say something like “guess I better get some exercise now” and drop them like a hot potato. Swsnbn has taught me to be polite and humble, which is not my natural me. Furthermore, swsnbn gets very upset when it is pointed out that they are one of the most fierce competitors I know, even though they put on this kind sweet face. This person even had me believing the race is not about winning, but having a good time hanging around with your buddies. Racing should be “just for fun!” Yay for eutopia.
Until I was riding my bike at Troika minding my own business when I passed swsnbn at about mile 30. I gave them a little push and after a short chat said “by the way, there are 2 girl riding behind you” I heard “I just passed them up. I am going to follow you and bury these girls”. Uh….OK..
I was doing my own thing when at about mile 40, I was getting a bit tired because I did not bring any food on the ride. I figured it was only 56 miles, no big deal and they would have food on the race course, which they did not. I then got passed by a girl wearing pink with a “44” on her leg. Huh I say to myself. Same age group as swsnbn. Then I got passed by another girl drafting off her with a 27 on her leg. I was totally shocked! Then I got passed again by swsnbn and got a sharp rebuke.
“Listen Buddy, you just got chicked twice. If you keep this up you will get chicked again one more time. What is your problem?” I explained my poor tummy was hungry and needed some food. Swsnbn was kind enough to give me a pack of shot blocks and said “Now, get up there and chase those girls down”. After a few minutes of grazing I felt better and started to move again, and passed up the 27 YO girl and asked her how she was doing. “Tired” she said. “I have never done this before. Am I doing OK?” I congratulated her on doing so well and that she was doing just fine, when I heard swsnbn say Get to work and go get the girl in pink. I am going to stay on your wheel so get rolling”
At about mile 50 I chased down the girl in pink and rode about 100 yards behind her…Stalking her.. I told swsnbn to stay back. The race is not won by who leads the longest but by who crosses the finish line first. swsnbn should wait, beat her out of transition and chase her down on the run. After a few minutes I heard “I can’t take this anymore. See ya” and proceeds to beat her into T2. Competitive people cannot stand getting beat when there is something they can do about it.
Last I saw of them swsnbn was in and out of transition way before the pink girl.
Of course, I have no idea what happened between the 2 of them on the run. I was sucking wind listening to my legs scream at me because what they wanted to do was take a little snooze.
I did end up having a reasonably solid run with even splits. I ran with a excellent heart rate profile, indicating I did the best I could do.
Mark Casey went on to have a fabulous day by establishing a new PR.
Swsnbn obviously won their age group.
I was lucky nobody fast showed up in my age group, so I also won first place.
The next day I was looking at the pictures taken on race day. “Look, the gal who almost beat you was riding a P5” “No matter” swsnbn says with a smile. “I out ran her”
What did I learn?
I need to take my racing intensity up a notch like the winners do.
Mindset and determination trump ability and circumstance.
When you think you are tired, shot worn out and need to quit, you are really only about 40% shot. You still have 60% to tap into.
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