What Successful People Do

  • ·         They learn from the boy scouts! Their motto is be prepared. The new docs that have hit the ground running have had their pre-defined scripts and office procedures memorized and role played before they showed up for work the first day. Students have memorized tons of stuff to get through school. Why not go one step further and memorize the really important stuff? Study of any subject for 10 minutes a day will make you a knowledge machine in no time at all.

  • ·         They have great mentors. That may be someone they know. It may be someone they have never met. Great mentors are found in person, on youtube, in books, and as seminars. Success leaves clues. Find out what works and duplicate it.

  • ·         They are never satisfied. A great day, week or month is awesome. Keep pressing ahead learning and growing to turn growth into a streak that lasts years and then decades. Not that stopping to smell the roses occasionally is bad, but after your rest, get up and keep pressing ahead.

  • ·         They can take criticism as a good thing. Taking criticism can be like swallowing peanuts in the shell. Yes, they are rough, ugly and may tear your throat up. But, there is a lot of protein in the middle! Don’t argue, but ask questions with curiosity.

  • ·         They don’t take counsel from fear. An acronym for fear is False Evidence Appearing Real. It can be paralyzing leading to procrastination. Most of what we fear does not materialize into reality. Face the fear, take the plunge, and the death of fear is certain.

  • When they think they are done, they are not done. Our brains limit our performance to protect us from harm when we are about 60% done. The last little hard push when your tired and worn out makes the difference over the person next to you that let up by 2%.


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