Neck Pain Riding?

Don’t Ride Like a Turtle!

Many triathletes are uncomfortable riding their bikes for long distances. Not the expected too much time off the bike or I ate too much for the last several months uncomfortable, but the really uncomfortable stuff. Like, lots of neck and mid back pain. Inability to eat, drink and breath deeply.
Bad rider
This is the turtle ride! Notice the humped back and the kinked neck? This turtle probably will have a sore butt, neck and mid back. It would be hard to eat and breath because all the tissues in the front are compressed.
Notice this styling peep! Their back is flat (also more aerodynamic). There is much less acute angle in their neck. Breathing and digestion are much easier.
As long as we’re at it, avoid scrunching your shoulders up towards your ears by allowing tension in your trapezius muscles. Force your shoulders down and pinch your shoulders together…let’s see your neck!
As an extra additional benefit, this person’s butt feels much better and the pressure is shifted off the tail bone. If there is continued discomfort, a seat such as an Adamo can solve that problem.
In the worst case, if the curve in your neck goes backwards and you have a buffalo hump, good riding posture will not help that. If that is the case, call 425 432-4621 (that would be Kriss Chiropractic). X-rays may be necessary to determine if that condition (a kyphosis) can be helped.


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