Be Careful on Bicycles
Riding bicycles is no doubt dangerous. You might think it is safe due to relatively slow speeds, but that is not true at all. Even with a high tech helmet, you have no protection upon impact with the ground or an object. There are no airbags, crash bars, or body armor to help. It disturbs me greatly to see what one intended to be a good thing for you resulting in being maimed for life. It has happened recently in our circles at RTB as it has for as long as I have been riding bikes. When you choose to throw your leg over the seat, you also assume the risk. The Hazards Big Gulpers: What? Who? Us “southies” named aggressive drivers Big Gulpers. Big Gulpers typically are young males driving lifted, usually older Ford 4 door pick-up trucks, wearing camo, chewing tobacco, and have a problem with older guys riding in lycra at dawn on a rural road. Sometimes they toss the last of their big gulp on you as they pass, thus the name. The situation is made m...