
Showing posts from January, 2016

Plantar Fasciitis

Another by-product of being born prior to 1970 or a good reason not to run? Observation of patients in my office and association with my running/riding buddies determines this is a very common issue that is certainly no fun! Instead of boring you with details about it, I did some research and it appears the Mayo Clinic has a very accurate description of the cause. I do not support the medical treatment of it (steroids, surgery, and other anti-inflammatories) and will comment on that later. The link is here: The brief explanation of it is over time and due to pronation your arch falls causing the tissues on the bottom of your foot to over stretch. The simplest test to see of you have it is to press at the base of your arch in front of your heel. If it tender and/or feels bruised….Bingo! Here is what I found that does not work. These are my opinions based on experience with it and various articles I read ove...